LA Knight wins over Grayson Waller

LA Knight vs. Grayson Waller – WWE SmackDown – 10th November 2023

Match Result / Who Won?: LA Knight won via pinfall in LA Knight vs. Grayson Waller match. Read the rest of the article for the match summary.

Note: We are using the narrative of this segment from Wrestleview.

LA Knight’s music hits, and he comes down to the ring to a loud pop from the crowd.

LA entrance

He says Crown Jewel did not go exactly as he hoped for, and he can come out and say he is sorry. He fell short; he didn’t live up to the expectations. The fans chant, “Yes, you did”. He tells them he won’t say that because he would be a liar. He did what he said he was going to do. He took Roman Reigns to an inch of that WWE Championship and had him for the 1-2-3, if not for Jimmy Uso.

The fans boo, and LA Knight says he got robbed. He tells Roman to give Jimmy a raise, a promotion, the pleasure he can give him in any way he can because the bottom line is if he was not there, we would be looking at a new WWE Champion. Many people might think it’s back to the drawing board and the back of the line.

LA Knight says nah, he is not done with the Bloodline. The Bloodline is not done with him until he owns Roman Reigns and the WWE Championship. Grayson Waller’s music hits.

Grayson Waller entrance

He tells LA Knight that he is blaming everyone but himself. But he needs some honesty because the truth is that everyone knows it; maybe he is not the guy. Waller says, but he knows someone who is the guy. LA Knight calls him a kangaroo jackass. Waller calls LA Knight a comedian. He asks LA Knight if he really thinks he belongs in the ring with Roman Reigns? LA Knight looks at the crowd, and the fans chant, “Yeah.” He asks the fans if the Grayson Waller Effect sounds like an STD. He says Waller got dropped by a Saudi movie star at Crown Jewel, and he is out here asking if he belongs in the ring with Roman Reigns.

LA face to face with Grayson Waller

LA Knight says when he looks at Waller, he sees a child who looks like he is about to take his school pictures. And talking about school, he seems not allowed within 50 yards of a school. He says to be serious, Waller got himself in a lot of hot water because he got himself a match with him because he wanted to play a game with him. He says you can take the boy out of the mom’s basement, but you can’t take the basement out of the boy. While Waller is worried about whether he belongs in the ring with Roman Reigns, he finds himself in the ring with a very angry and frustrated him. And he will take that all out on him with everyone saying, LA Knight! LA Knight hits him with a microphone, and Waller falls to the outside of the ring.

The bell rings, and we are underway. LA Knight with a clothesline followed by a suplex. He goes for the cover, but Waller kicks out. LA Knight throws Waller to the ropes, but Waller rolls to the outside of the ring. He drags LA Knight to the outside of LA Knight with a right hand. He throws Waller face-first into the ring apron. He throws Waller back in the ring and goes for the cover, but Waller kicks out. A swinging neckbreaker by LA Knight. He goes for the cover, but Waller kicks out. LA Knight with a right hand, but Waller with a big right hand.

LA backslams Grayson

Waller goes for a right hand, but LA Knight with a right hand. Waller runs towards LA Knight but throws Waller outside the ring.

LA hits Grayson on the apron
LA bullets on to Grayson

LA Knight slams Waller face-first into the announce table. LA Knight returns to the ring to break the count and back to the outside. Waller trips LA Knight face-first into the announcer’s table. He throws LA Knight into the ring steps. Waller with a clothesline.

LA hits Grayson over announce table

LA Knight is on the ring apron, and Waller throws him, shoulder first, into the ring post. The player goes for the cover, but LA Knight kicks out. Waller lets go of it and stomps on LA Knight. Waller climbs the second rope and walks across it, landing an elbow drop. He goes for the cover, but LA Knight kicks out. Waller climbs the second rope once more and goes for the elbow, but LA Knight moves out of the way. Waller runs towards LA Knight, but he lowers the top rope and Waller to the outside. Waller runs into the ring, but LA Knight with a back suplex.

Grayson submission hold on LA
LA jabs Grayson Waller

LA Knight with a right hand, and he throws Waller to the ropes and LA Knight with a right hand. LA Knight with a Russian leg sweep followed by a DDT. He goes for the cover, but Waller kicks out. He grabs Waller, but Waller with a right hand. Waller runs to the ropes, but LA Knight hits him with a body slam. LA Knight runs to the ropes and hits Waller with a jumping elbow. He hits Waller with the BFT.

LA Knight BFTs Grayson Waller

LA Knight goes for the cover and gets the pin.

LA Knight pins Grayson Waller