Roman lifts championship belt

LA Knight vs. Roman Reigns – WWE Crown Jewel – 4th November 2023

Match Result / Who Won?: LA Knight won via pinfall in LA Knight vs. Roman Reigns match at WWE Crown Jewel. Read the rest of the article for the match summary.

Note: We are using the narrative of this segment from Wrestleview.

LA Knights makes his entrance first to a loud pop from the crowd.

LA entrance WWE Crown Jewel

Roman Reigns makes his entrance next with a mixed response from the crowd.

Roman entrance WWE Crown Jewel

The bell rings, and we are underway. LA Knight with right hands and a swinging neckbreaker. A right hand by LA Knight and he throws Reigns to the ropes, but Reigns with an elbow to the face.

Roman hits LA to turbunkle
LA slams Romans head on the ropes

The fans chant, “LA Knight,” and Roman throws Knight into the corner. Roman throws Knight to the ropes, but Knight with a drop kick. He grabs Roman, but Roman throws him to the outside.

LA hits powerslam to ROman

Knight gets on the ring apron, and the fans chant, “Yeah,” and Knight hangs Roman up on the top rope. Knight goes for the cover, but Roman kicks out. He throws Roman and Knight to the ropes with a bodyslam. Paul Heyman distracts Knight, and Roman slides to the outside of the ring. Knight with a baseball slide onto Roman. Knight gets on the ring apron and lands a clothesline on Roman. Knight clears the announce table, but Roman with a right hand. Roman tries to slam Knight into the announcer’s table, but Knight blocks it. Knight slams Roman into the announce table. Knight grabs Roman, but Roman throws Knight into the ring steps.

Roman throws LA to the barricade

Once more, Roman throws Knight into the ring steps. Roman gets back into the ring, and Knight slowly gets into the ring. Roman slams Knight into the turnbuckle.

Roman with a suplex. He goes for the cover, but Knight kicks out. Roman with a big clothesline. Once more, he goes for the cover, but Knight kicks out. Roman clotheslines Knight in the corner. Roman goes for another clothesline, but Knight with an elbow. Roman goes for another clothesline, but Knight with a boot to the face. Knight with a bulldog off the second rope, and both men are down.

LA face bursts Roman

Both men to their feet and exchange their right hands. LA Knight with right hands and a big clothesline by Knight and Roman is down.

LA jabs Roman

Knight with a Russian leg sweep followed by a DDT. He goes for the cover, but Roman kicks out. LA Knight stomps on Roman in the corner, and he hits him with a running knee to the face. Knight goes for a power slam, but Roman lands on his feet, and he hits Knight with a Rock Bottom. Roman goes for the cover, but LA Knight kicks out.

LA Knight back slams Roman
LA hits back breaker to Roman

Roman goes for the Superman Punch, but Knight catches him with a neckbreaker! LA Knight plays to the crowd, and Roman hits him with a Superman Punch!

Roman superman punch to LA Knight

He goes for the cover, but Knight kicks out. Roman goes for the Spear, but Knight with a leapfrog, and Roman hits the ring post shoulder first. Knight with shoulder tackles in the corner. He places Roman on the top rope. Knight climbs the second rope and goes for a suplex, but Roman, with a right hand, and Knight is down. Knight leaps onto the top rope and lands a superplex!

LA superplexes Roman Reigns

LA Knight plays to the crowd, and he lands an elbow drop! He goes for the cover, but Roman kicks out! Solo Sikoa starts walking down the ramp, but WWE officials stop him. Jimmy Uso shows up from the barricade and drags Roman to the outside. Knight grabs Jimmy, but Roman with a Superman Punch. Roman gets in the ring, and he hits Knight with the Spear!

Roman spears LA Knight

He goes for the cover, but LA Knight kicks out! Roman grabs LA Knight and gets him in a chokehold in the middle of the ring. LA Knight begins to fade, but he gets to his feet. Right hands by LA Knight, and he slams Roman into the corner. Roman gets Knight back into the chokehold, but Knight picks Roman up and hangs him on the top rope. Knight hits him with the BFT!

LA Knight BFTs Roman Reigns

He goes for the cover, but Jimmy puts Roman’s leg on the bottom rope! Knight goes outside the ring and hits Jimmy with his right hand. He slams Jimmy into the announce table. Roman to the outside, and Knight slams him into the announce table. LA Knight throws Roman into the ring post. Jimmy goes for the superkick, but LA Knight catches him and throws him through the announce table! Roman spears LA Knight through the barricade on the outside!

Roman spears LA through barricade

He throws Knight back into the ring. Roman with the Spear! He goes for the cover and gets the pin!

Roman spears LA Knight again
Roman pins LA Knight