Last week LA Knight was unable to participate in WWE SmackDown match as he was sent home due to being tested Covid +ve. This week he returned (thank god!) and LA Knight signs contract with John Cena for a match against Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa at WWE Fastlane.
Note: We are using the narrative of this segment from Wrestleview.
John Cena’s music hits as he runs down to a loud pop from the crowd. He is introduced as the greatest of all time as Cena has a contract with him. The fans chant “Cena” as he tells them he hears them and knows they listen to him. He said he came back to compete last week and wants a match.

Cena says the Bloodline did not take too kindly to that, and they left him knocked out. But they also left him with the contract. A signed contract for a match against the Bloodline at Fastlane. Cena says there is a big problem because he doesn’t have a partner.
Cena says tonight is significant because now he has a choice. He can rip up the contract and act like it never happened or stand and fight. He asks the fans what they think a man who wears “Never Give Up” on his heart will make. The fans cheer. He says if he doesn’t find a partner for Fastlane, he will fight them in a two-on-one handicap match.
Jimmy’s music hits, and out he comes with Solo and Heyman. Jimmy says look who finally showed up. Jimmy says Cena is out here talking about Fastlane, but did he not see what they did backstage. They get on the ring apron, and Jimmy tells Cena he is not making it to Fastlane. Cena, with a right hand, knocks Jimmy off the ring apron. He tells Solo to get in the ring. Solo gets in the ring. He goes for the Samoan Spike. Cena ducks and goes for the AA, but Jimmy hits him with a superkick.

Cena falls to the outside as Jimmy clears the announce table. Jimmy places Cena on the table, and Solo stops him as he begins to climb the ring steps. Solo climbs the ring steps and climbs the top rope.

LA Knight’s music hits, and he runs down to the ring. LA Knight gets in the ring and hits Jimmy with a clothesline. He stomps on Jimmy, and he beats Solo with his right hand. LA Knight with a neckbreaker. LA Knight slams Jimmy down onto the mat and hits him with the elbow. Cena gets in the ring, and he throws Solo to the outside as LA Knight throws Jimmy to the outside.

LA Knight and John Cena are face to face in the middle of the ring. LA Knight grabs the contract and signs it. As Cena raises it in the air, he assures Cena, and SmackDown goes off the air.

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