LA Knight wins

LA Knight vs Austin Theory – WWE Smackdown 8th September 2023

Match Result / Who won?: LA Knight wins by a pin fall against Austin Theory in LA Knight vs Austin Theory match at WWE Smackdown on 8th September 2023. Read the rest of the article for the match summary.

Out comes LA Knight to a loud pop from the crowd. As usual he gets on the second rope and gives his pose with his both hands.

LA Knight entrance
LA Knight entrance pose

He stands in the ring as the fans chant “LA Knight”. He tells them “Let me talk to you”. He asks if everyone got the chance to see the Miz on Raw. LA Knight says he didn’t ask for Cena, he didn’t need Cena. He didn’t need Cena’s endorsement. He endorsed himself to stand right there. He has all of the respect in the world for what Cena has accomplished but Cena did count to three.

LA Knight talks

But as he is talking, out comes Grayson Waller. Waller says that he and his associate, Austin Theory were backstage talking and he introduces Theory. Waller says last week they had one of the biggest wins in WWE history.

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller

LA Knight tells them if they are done, he can show them how it’s done. He calls Waller a moron and Theory a halfwit. LA Knight asks Theory to step up into the ring.

LA Knight trash talks Austin Theory
Austin Theory smirks off

The match starts and immediately Theory shows his aggression on LA Knight. It looks like Theory has more muscle than LA Knight.

Austin Theory stomping LA Knight
Austin Theory pins LA Knight

Now LA Knight gets over and beats up Theory. Both of them eventually goes out of the ring towards announce table where Grayson Waller is one of the commentators for the match. LA Knight bangs up Theory’s head against the table. Is this a move? LA Knight does this in almost every match.

LA Knight bumps Austin Theory head over announce table

They get back into the ring and LA Knight continues his domination against Theory. Now Theory hits LA Knight and tries to pin him again.

LA Knight stomps Austin Theory
Austin Theory again pins LA Knight

Meanwhile Grayson Waller unhooks the top turnbuckle. As LA Knight pushes Theory to the corner with the exposed turnbuckle, he sees it, get confused and stops. Meanwhile LA Knight drags him back and hits a BFT, pins him and wins the match. Yeaaaah!

LA Knight BFTs Austin Theory
LA Knight pins Austin

LA Knight gives the winning pose.

LA Knight winning pose

That’s all folks! Another great match and another win for LA.

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