Match Result: LA Knight vs Finn Balor. La Knight wins via a pin fall. Yeaaah!
First of all I feel sad because of the unexpected death of Bray Wyatt (due to heart attack) and also due to the death of a WWE HoF Terry Funk. So, the entire Smackdown this week is a tribute them.

So, this week on WWE Smackdown, LA Knight was setup for one-on-one match against Finn Balor, two former opponents for Bray Wyatt. LA Knight enters first with a huge pop from the crowd.

La Knight walks towards the ring, slides on to the ring’s edge, gets on to the second rope and gives his signature pose.

LA Knight grabs the microphone and talks about Bray Wyatt’s demise for about 5-10 minutes approximately. He also talks about The Miz.

Then comes the demon Finn Balor. The match (LA Knight vs Finn Balor) starts and it is well balanced match. LA Night tries to pin Finn but remains unsuccessful.

The match continues and LA Knight gets ready to hit Finn with a elbow. I can’t ignore the fact that this move is more or less like The Rock’s “People’s Elbow”.

Finn recovers from the elbow and the match continues. This match was really great when compared LA Knight’s past matches. I can see that LA Knight moves are improving with less to no botches. Finally LA Knight hits a BFT on Finn Balor and pins him to win the match.

LA Knight shakes off and gets on to the second rope and points his finger upwards as if he is giving this win to Bray Wyatt.

Then LA Knight lifts his both shoulders and gives his signature winning pose.

Finally LA Knight leaves the ring chanting Yeaaah and slowly leaves the ring.

That’s it folks! I think this match can be rated 4/5. Don’t forget to share this website with your friends.
Check out these exclusive LA Knight WWE wallpapers.